- Exhibition
The Three Artists of Atelier Uoof
Venue:art space co-jin

Art space co-jin is proud to present this exhibition entitled “The Three Artists of Atelier Uoof,” which showcases the works of USAMI Mai, OKOCHI Junko, and UNI Hidehiro. Atelier Uoof was founded by Keiko Sakatani in 1986, in Yamashina Ward, as an art studio/classroom for kids. Since then, it has become very active, with a broad range of students of all ages, some with disabilities, some without. The three artists featured in this exhibition all began going to the Atelier from a young age, and have been students there for close to thirty years. They sit in the same place, working on their art, which often shows repetition of certain motifs. By collecting and displaying the work of these three different artists in one place, somehow you can feel a sense of commonality in their work, and by viewing the pieces as a collection you can see the individual interests and preferences of the artists very clearly. UNI likes large canvases, bold composition, and richly textured and layered oil painting. USAMI shows us charming and somehow humorous animals and free and easy landscapes. OKOCHI charms us mysteriously with her works, often changing up her style in a variety of ways.
This exhibition features a selection of the artists’ works which spans a range of time from the past to the present. As we have a limited amount of space at the gallery, we were forced to make some difficult decisions when choosing which works to include in the exhibition. But, it is our sincere desire that you come away from the exhibition with a sense of the richness of the expressivity of these three artists who have been working at their craft for so many years.
closed on Mondays
10:00 – 18:00
art space co-jin
UNI Hidehiro
Records of Exhibition