アートスペース コージン

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  • Exhibition

HUMANiMAL-KITAMURA Kou Solo Exhibition


Venue:art space co-jin

This exhibition presents mainly a series of “HUMANiMAL” art work created by Kou KITAMURA, alongside some other oil paintings, esquisse (rough sketches) and poems that are written down daily.
The word ”HUMANiMAL” has been invented by the artist through a combination of the words human and animal. They are not just depicted as humanised animals, but are created as some form of ideal creatures which maintain both the elements of animals and the intelligence that human beings possess; the artist continue to elaborate upon those ideal creatures which represent the essence of love flowing through as a common feeling amongst all living creatures. In addition, you will also be able to see various shifting focuses through his pieces. For example, a fully compassionate look when he draws a bear family exudes heartfulness, and a sensual aspect is created through the way he draws a goat dancing in the beautiful moonlight.
His artworks are like scenes from a story, and the pictures make us wonder what might come next. Please enjoy his extensional daydream expression, “embodiment of love” created by Kitamura.



closed on monday



art space co-jin




HUMANiMAL - The bear family | 2020 | 513×725mm | oil on canvas
Untitled | product year :unknown | 303×228mm | pencil on sketchbook
HUMANiMAL - Moon and a goat | 2018 | 1061×650mm | oil on canvas
Untitled | product year :unknown | 303×228mm | pencil on sketchbook
HUMANiMAL - A prairie dog relaxing at a cottage | 2017 | 650×530mm | oil on paper



1962 Born in Ishikawa Prefecture, Kyoto resident
1986 Graduated from Otani University (Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters)
2020 Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts (Faculty of Arts and Design, Correspondence Education)

1999 Published “'Poetic fiction' for those who want to be healed”
(Publisher: Kindaibungeisha)

Daily tweets @poem and story at 8pm on Twitter



Related Event

Artist Talk

KITAMURA Kou will be there to talk about his daily activity on HUMANiMAL.
Advance booking is required with up to 10 participants(first come first served)

【Date and time】
Sunday 24th July, 2022 13:30 - 14:30 (tentative)

Please provide your name, the number of participants, your affiliated school or institution, and your contact information by email, telephone or fax.

art space co-jin (10:00-18:00 *closed on monday)


art space co-jin
Kyoto Culture and Art Promotion Organization for People with Disabilities