aboutWhat is “art space co-jin” ?

Welcome to “art space co-jin”
The “art space co-jin” managed by Kyoto Culture and Art Promotion Organization for People with Disabilities (Bureau: Kyoto Prefectural Support for Persons with Disabilities Division) as a place to meet the works and expressions by people with disabilities.
The “art space co-jin” is located at Kojinguchi on the east side of Kyoto Imperial Place.
The “art space co-jin” creates opportunities for everyone to interest through activities such as events,workshops,lectures,etc. Its main function is a gallery space displaying various works such as paintings,photographs,pottery and installations.
Origin of the name
The name art space co-jin is made up of two parts. Co is the same sound in ‘Kojinguchi’, the area near Kyoto Imperial Palace, and also is an English prefix meaning ‘together’ or ‘mutually’. Jin is a reading of the Japanese word 人, meaning ‘people’.
In Kyoto Prefecture, we are working towards the realization of a symbiotic and harmonious society, where people with and without disabilities alike can live in safety and with peace of mind.
Recognizing that cultural arts are a means for people to connect with each other, the Kyoto Culture and Art Promotion Organization for people with Disabilities was established in December 2015 as a body that strives to achieve this harmonious society. The art space co-jin was opened in January 2016 as a base for the organization’s activities.
Digital arcives project
“The Kyoto Archive of Art by people with disabilities”
Floor Map
Kyoto Culture and Art Promotion Organization for People with Disabilities
SASAKI Johei, Honorary Director of the National Institute for Cultural Heritage Kyoto National Museum.
Associated organizations
- The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
- Kyoto Culture Foundation
- Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art
- Mizunoki Museum of Art, Kameoka
- Kyoto Arts and Culture Foundation
- Kyoto City Music Art Cultural Promoting Foundation
- Kyoto Japanese-Style painters Association
- Kyoto Association of Craft Artists
- Kyotofu shintai shogaisha dantai rengokai
- (Kyoto Prefectural Association of People with Physical Disabilities)
- Kyoto shogaijisha oyanokai kyogikai
- (Kyoto Council Association for Parents of Children with Disabilities)
- Kyoto teotsunagu ikuseikai ( Kyoto Hold Hands Society)
- Kyoto seishin hoken fukushi suishin kazokukai rengokai
- (Kyoto Family Association for Mental Health and Welfare Promotion)
- Kyoto chiteki shogaisha fukushi shisetsu kyogikai
- (Council for Welfare Facilities for People with Cognitive Disabilities)
- Association of Principals of Schools for Special Needs Education
- The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto
- Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- The Kyoto Shimbun Co., Ltd.
- Kyoto Shimbun shakai fukushi jigyodan( Kyoto Shimbun Social Welfare Agency)
- Japan Broadcasting Corporation Kyoto (NHK Kyoto)
- Kyoto Broadcasting System Company Limited
- Association of City Mayors in Kyoto Prefecture
- Association of Town and Villages Mayors in Kyoto Prefecture
- Kyoto Prefecture
- Kyoto City
Secretariat Office
・Secretary General(Director of the Support for Persons with Disabilities Division,Kyoto Prefecture)
・Staff (Staff members of the Support for Persons with Disabilities Division, Kyoto Prefecture)
Office location
Kawaramachi, Kojinguchi Tenant(1F)
Kamigyo-ku, Miyagakicho, No.83, Les Fres 1F
Kyoto City 〒602-0853